What Do Nerves Have To Do With It?
When I returned to show jumping three years ago I found myself unbelievably nervous on the day of competition up until I was completely...

Tidying the Mind Part 3: Purging Negative Self Talk
I’m hopeful you have begun the Tidy Up process as described in my two former blogs The Art of Tidying the Mind Parts 1 & 2. If so, you...

Tidying the Mind Part 2: Recognize & Re-Organize
I’m hopeful you have begun the Tidy Up process as described in my blog of June 27th: The Art of Tidying the Mind Part 1. If so, you have...

The Art of Tidying the Mind - Part 1
There are days when the mind feels like a chaotic mess. Learn how to slow down, get present, and organize. This is an essential element of B

What's Your Driving Force?
It’s February and hearts abound due to Valentine’s Day, leading me think about passions and what makes people tick. There are many types...

Mindfulness Based Sport Psychology Clinics with Dr. Carrie
During the off-season I have been visiting barns to share mindfulness-based sport psychology with equestrian riders, trainers, and...
Learning to Maintain Focus
Q: I have 2 riders that have trouble with the last jump of a course. How can I help them keep their concentration throughout the course?...

Spiral In, Spiral Out
Last week I wrote on the eve of the first of two weeks of horse showing at Sonoma Horse Park. I broke through and had an excellent week...
Sport is a Metaphor for Life
Athletes are empowered by focus and physical strength but without a mental practice, it is up in the air when and if they hit. I have...

What is the Afterlife of Your Endorphin High?
After a fantastic jumping lesson (or any other physical endeavor including skiing, mountain biking, hiking, dancing, yoga, etc.), I am...