Practice What I Preach
I have been having a most amazing horse show season walking much of my talk as a competitor, student, sport psychologist and equestrian...
Supporting Loved Ones Through Stress
I have a regular, recurring column in Horse & Style Magazine -- the premier publication focused on the competitive equestrian community....
What is a Mental Practice?
Question: My trainer has me moving up a division on each of my horses. At home I have been able to manage the bigger jumps but I am super...
Q & A: Brain Training for Focus & Endurance
Question: What do I do when I have random thoughts in the ring? Sometimes I am riding along and a song or detail from school pops into my...
Stay Focused & Ride Your Plan
I have a regular, recurring column in Horse & Style Magazine -- the premier publication focused on the competitive equestrian community....
Tidying the Mind Part 3: Purging Negative Self Talk
I’m hopeful you have begun the Tidy Up process as described in my two former blogs The Art of Tidying the Mind Parts 1 & 2. If so, you...
Tidying the Mind Part 2: Recognize & Re-Organize
I’m hopeful you have begun the Tidy Up process as described in my blog of June 27th: The Art of Tidying the Mind Part 1. If so, you have...
The Art of Tidying the Mind - Part 1
There are days when the mind feels like a chaotic mess. Learn how to slow down, get present, and organize. This is an essential element of B
Positive & Outcome-Based Thinking
I have a regular, recurring column in Horse & Style Magazine -- the premier publication focused on the competitive equestrian community....
Battling Pressure: What is Flow?
Dr. Carrie Wicks writes a column addressing the challenges faced by equestrian athletes. This month is about flow - for any pressurized sit